Monday, May 28, 2012

how many first times do i get?

ahhhmmm. Here we are again. I have decided to blog... again. I am usually not very good at keeping up with blogging but my summer goal is to try. but why?

1. I create things ALL the time and a friend recently told me I should share what I create, so why not? (I steal most of it from pinterest but... I mean, who doesn't?!)
2. I am learning a lot and I LOVE to learn and I feel like God is really teaching me a lot lately and well, it might be good to write about it.
3. I am OBSESSED with teaching. like really obsessed. I am diving head first into my first year of teaching and I think it would be really cool to document this journey, the successes and failures. 
4. I've always wanted to be a writer.

so I guess there is a first time for everything right? does it count if this is your 5th "first time"? if your name is Anna it does! welcome to my whirlwind life of creating, learning and teaching!

grace + peace, amigos. 

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